YAIAA Track & Field Officials

  •  05/15/2024 05:00 PM
  •  05/10/2024 02:00 PM

Starter Lynn Gault Finish Line Judge Joel Jacobs Clerk 1 Bob Shue Clerk 2 Mike Eisenhart Long Jump 1 Carolyn Tritt Long Jump 2 Julie Haynes High Jump Steve Stough Shot Put 1 Melissa Kopp-Smith Shot Put 2 Mark Walters Discus 1 Jim Loehwing Discus 2 Jeff Halterman

  •  05/08/2024 02:00 PM

Meet Referee Jon Seitz Clerk of Course Bob Shue Clerk of Course Robert Hollis Head Field Judge TJ Meese Head Starter Phil Anderson Assistant Starter Dave Rizzuto Assistant Starter Mike Eisenhart Finish Line/Timer/Umpire Carolyn Tritt Finish Line/Timer/Umpire Bill Sterner Head Umpire Lynn Gault Girls Javelin/Boys Javelin Dan VanHouwe Girls Javelin/Boys Javelin Melissa Kopp Boys Shot Put/Girls Shot Put Jeff Halterman Boys Shot Put/Girls Shot Put Jim Loehwing Girls Discus/Boys Discus Brian Fuhrman Girls Discus/Boys Discus Mark Walters Boys Triple Jump/Girls Triple Jump Dave Wickenheiser Boys Triple Jump/Girls Triple Jump Bill Blank Girls Long Jump/Boys Long Jump Julie Haynes Girls Long Jump/Boys Long Jump Lynn VanHouwe High Jump Kathy Gingerich Pole Vault Brad Ream Pole Vault Brayden Wagman

  •  05/06/2024 07:00 PM
  •   York Tech
  •  05/03/2024 03:00 PM
  •  04/26/2024 03:00 PM

Referee Jon Seitz Starter Dave Rizzuto Timer/Finish Line Carolyn Tritt Clerk of Course (1) Bob Shue Clerk of Course (2) Robert Hollis Throws (1) Brian Fuhrman Throws (2) Dan VanHouwe Throws (3) Mike Eisenhart Long Jump Lynn VanHouwe Triple Jump Dave Wickenheiser

  •  04/22/2024 07:00 PM
  •   York Tech
  •  04/13/2024 10:00 AM

Starter/Referee Jeff Halterman Clerk Carolyn Tritt Clerk Steve Stough Head Timer/Heat Prep (Meet Manager) Bill Sterner Shot Put Melissa Kopp Discus Brian Fuhrman Long Jump Brayden Wagman High Jump TJ Meese

  •  04/08/2024 07:00 PM
  •   York Tech
  •  04/04/2024 02:00 PM
  •  04/01/2024 07:00 PM
  •   York Tech
  •  03/11/2024 07:00 PM
  •   York Tech
  •  02/26/2024 07:00 PM
  •   York Tech
  •  05/17/2023 05:00 PM
  •   Bill Sterner's place
  •  05/12/2023 03:00 PM
  •   New Oxford HS
  •  05/10/2023 03:00 PM
  •   Central York HS
  •  05/08/2023 07:00 PM
  •   York Tech
  •  05/05/2023 03:00 PM
  •   Eastern York HS
  •  04/28/2023 03:00 AM
  •   York College
  •  04/24/2023 07:00 PM
  •   York Tech
  •  04/15/2023 10:00 PM
  •   Small's Athletic Fields
  •  04/10/2023 07:00 AM
  •   York Tech
  •  03/31/2023 03:00 PM
  •   York Suburban School District, PA, USA
  •  03/27/2023 07:00 PM
  •   York Tech
  •  03/13/2023 07:00 PM
  •   York Tech
  •  02/28/2023 08:00 PM
  •   York Tech
  •  02/28/2023 07:00 PM
  •   York Tech

Jon S. will be leading this presentation

Phil Anderson

Bill Blank

Michael Eisenhart

Brian Fuhrman

Lynn Gault

Kathy Gingerich

Jeff Halterman

Julia Haynes

Bill Herbert

Robert Hollis

Sara Hunt

Joel Jacobs

John Jacobson

Melissa Kopp-Smith

Jim Loehwing

TJ Meese

Brad Ream

Dave Rizzuto

Jon Seitz

Bob Shue

Bill Sterner

Steven Stough

Carolyn Tritt

Dan VanHouwe

Lynn VanHouwe

Brayden Wagaman

Terry Walker

Mark Walters

Theresa Whye

Dave Wickenheiser

Terry Zortman

  BY LAWS of the York/Adams Chapter of PIAA- Registered Track & Field Officials
Version Control:
By-laws Adopted May 16, 2018
Chapter Addendums 1-4 adopted May 10, 2021
PIAA Updates of August 9, 2022
Chapter Addendum 1 Revisions adopted March 27, 2023

The name of this organization of registered PIAA Sports Officials shall be the York/Adams Chapter of PIAA- Registered Track & Field Officials.


      To unite under a common bond, and in various chapters dedicated to a particular sport throughout the PIAA, all Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association Inc. registered Sports Officials into a unified statewide organization.
To study the appropriate Contest rules and to discuss their intent for uniform interpretations, and to progressively improve the quality of sports officiating through the study of approved mechanics.
To establish, promote, and maintain a code of officiating ethics, and to conduct each athletic contest as an instrumentality in the development of character, good sportsmanship, and a high level of American citizenship.
To cooperate with the appropriate National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Rules Committee in the advancement of that sport as a recognized and wholesome form of physical development and recreation.
To progressively improve and elevate the officiating standards of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association, Inc., and to maintain the integrity of the highly competitive ideals of the Association.
To render a more efficient service to the member schools of the Association through cooperative efforts, and development of professional attitudes towards their athletic programs.

     Local Chapters of Registered Sports Officials of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association, Inc. shall be organized by the PIAA Office in all districts where deemed necessary, in order to meet the service demands of prescribed areas on a statewide basis. Chapters must meet the minimum requirement of fifteen (15) members to start a chapter. The Executive Director shall have sole discretion to approve or reject proposed chapters. The Executive Director may consider recommendations of the District Committee and District Officials’ Representatives from the District.
Upon the completion of all necessary conditions and procedures, the Executive Director may issue an official charter to each Chapter, signed by the President and the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association, Inc
The chapter shall specify the sport to be administered, and chapter activity shall be confined to the sport so authorized and designated.
Charters may be revoked when a chapter (1) fails to fulfill one or more of the purposes set forth in ARTICLE II herein and/or (2) does not show growth within 18 months from the time charter was issued, when said charter is granted solely upon the possibility of growth. Chapters who fall below 15 members will be requested to merge with the nearest chapter.

      All registered PIAA officials, in good standing, shall be required to affiliate with one of the established chapters of their own choice in the sport of their official registration.
All PIAA officials’ applicants shall be required to affiliate with an appropriate chapter within fifteen (15) days after notification by PIAA.
Transfer of membership to another similar chapter may be affected by mutual agreement of the chapters concerned if the official is moving out of the official’s geographical area. The PIAA Office, with written approval of the Executive Director, must approve all other transfers. In order to ensure that a transfer is properly executed by an official, a letter of release from the chapter the official is transferring from as well as a letter of acceptance from the chapter the official is transferring to should be obtained by the official requesting the transfer with a copy of same being forwarded to the PIAA Office.
Upon written application, honorary membership may be granted, by chapter action, to any official who voluntarily ceases to be active, provided however, the official has served a minimum of fifteen (15) years on active status.
Chapter By-Laws Addendum 4 -The chapter treasury will pay all or a portion of the annual liability insurance premium for active members who do not have other liability coverage that meets PIAA requirements.

       1. There shall be no fee attached to the issuance of any charter.
2. Fees for officials, payable to the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association, Inc. (PIAA), shall be as follows:
a) Initial registration fee ...................................................... $40.00
b) To maintain registration in each sport.............................. $55.00
3. Annual registration fee(s) are due and payable to the PIAA, postmarked on or before February 28 or February 29 in a leap year, for the subsequent school year. Any official not remitting annual registration fee(s) by the above stated deadline, will be assessed a penalty charge of $25.00. In addition, any official not remitting annual registration fee(s) and penalty, postmarked by March 31, will be suspended for one year.
4. The individual chapter in each locality, by a majority vote, may assess its affiliate’s annual registration fees, payable to the chapter treasurer, for operating expenses of that chapter.
5. Chapter secretaries are permitted to recommend, in writing, to the Executive Director, the suspension of officials for non-payment of chapter registration fees.

       The PIAA Office shall codify and promulgate the various rules and regulations in accordance with the PIAA Constitution and Board of Directors decisions governing the organization of all chapters.
All new rules and subsequent changes shall be binding upon all chapters the season immediately following their adoption by the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association, Inc.

       The officers of each chapter shall be registered PIAA officials who are on active status with their chapter and shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, or Secretary- Treasurer, and Interpreter.
The term of each office shall be for one year. Each officer must be elected for a one-year term.
The duties of each officer shall be those pertinent to the office and ordinarily performed by each officer, or as may be directed by the President of the Chapter.
Chapter By-Laws Addendum 1 – Chapter Voting: Nominations for chapter officers will be accepted at the second from last meeting held during each season (Nominations Meeting). Voting will be conducted at the next to last chapter meeting (Voting Meeting). Results will be announced at the last chapter meeting (Business Meeting). Voting procedures, including the use of absentee voting, will be defined and administered by chapter officers.
Chapter By-Laws Addendum 2 - Officers and Duties: Chapter Officers may be elected to serve a second, consecutive one-year term provided the current officer is nominated to serve a second term, the current officer accepts the nomination, and this nomination is approved by the vote of the majority of the chapter membership at the annual Nominations Meeting. If an officer is not elected to a second term by this process, nominations and voting will be conducted as described in Article VII - Chapter By-Laws Addendum 1.

      There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of all the elected officers, and at least two other members of the chapter elected at the annual business meeting of the chapter.
The Executive Committee shall conduct all necessary business of the chapter between the annual business meeting and the next successive meeting of the chapter.
The Executive Committee shall authorize and direct the President to appoint such standing and special committees as it may deem necessary or desirable for the efficient operation of the chapter.
An officer shall incur no financial obligations relative to chapter activities or any committee thereof, except as may be specifically authorized by the Executive Committee of the chapter.
Chapter By-Laws Addendum 3 - The Executive Committee shall consist of the immediate past-president and two at-large members who shall be elected at the annual voting meeting of the chapter.

       A chapter, in order to maintain its charter, shall meet no less than six (6) times (Board of Directors’ July 23, 2014) during its specific sport season to accommodate the needs of their affiliates. This number shall be regarded as the minimum in any sport season. Chapters are permitted to hold the annual mandatory rules interpretation meeting and regular chapter meetings on the same day.
Chapters must hold meetings, minimally, from the first Practice date through the last Regular Season Contest date, within the months established by the PIAA per sport season.
Meetings are to be held between the following dates specified below:
Fall sports meetings are to take place between July 1st and November 30th
Winter sports meetings are to take place between October 1st and March 31st
Spring sports meetings are to take place between February 1st and June 30th
It is recommended that each meeting be scheduled for minimally ninety minutes in length for chapters to handle attendance, approve previous meeting minutes, handle old and new business, and spend a quality portion on officiating mechanics and rules interpretations.
Scrimmages, clinics, or similar functions cannot count as a meeting unless the entire chapter membership can attend and it is advertised to the chapter well in advance of the date of occurrence.
Each chapter must conduct at least one (1) meeting between the annual mandatory rules interpretation meeting and the first Regular Season Contest date of that sport. Officials cannot get credit for more than three (3) chapter meetings before the first regular season play date. It is highly recommended that officials attend their own chapter meetings for their continuing educational component (Minutes, Board of Directors meeting, July 26, 2012).
All officials involved in volleyball with dual seasons, must attend one (1) PIAA annual mandatory rules interpretation meeting in the summer and must attend a minimum of four (4) chapter meetings during the fall sports’ season. In addition, it is recommended that all officials who officiate in the spring attend one (1) "review" rules interpretation meeting before the start of the spring sports’ season, which shall be conducted by the chapter interpreter prior to the second Monday in March (Minutes, Board of Directors, PIAA Summer Workshop, July 19, 2017).

       At the beginning of each sports’ season, all chapter secretaries shall review their chapter rosters online for completeness, which should include a complete roster, including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the affiliates of the chapter. Any discrepancies should be reported to the PIAA Office.
All chapter secretaries shall maintain an accurate record of attendance of officials at all chapter meetings.
Eligibility for maintaining membership, as a PIAA registered official, shall depend upon actual attendance of a minimum of four (4) meetings of any number of meetings conducted during a particular sport’s season, and attendance at the Annual Mandatory Rules Interpretation Meeting.
When the operation of Section 3 of this Article would impose an undue personal hardship on any individual the provisions thereof may be set aside for that particular official, by specific action of the Executive Director, or the Executive Director’s designee.
The secretary will enter meeting attendance online for the Rules Interpretation and Chapter meetings, preferably within 24 hours of the meeting, but no later than seven (7) days.
At the close of each sport’s season, each chapter secretary shall submit to the PIAA Office an End of Year Chapter Summary Report showing any changes which have taken place in the chapter membership for the current sports’ season. If there are no changes to the chapter officers, the form must still be submitted listing the officers for the coming season. In addition to the End of Year Chapter Summary Report, each chapter will enter the next sports’ season chapter meeting dates into the PIAA website.
All chapter interpreters, in conjunction with their chapter secretaries, will enter the date of the annual mandatory rules interpretation meeting into the PIAA website listing the date, site, and time of their next sports’ season annual mandatory rules interpretation meeting along with all other required reports upon conclusion of the previous sport season meetings.
Certified attendance at an annual mandatory rules interpretation meeting in baseball, basketball, field hockey, football, girls' gymnastics, girls' lacrosse, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, track and field, volleyball, and wrestling conducted by a PIAA chapter is mandatory for all officials registered in those sports. Attendance at the annual mandatory rules interpretation meeting shall not count towards the minimum requirement of attending four (4) chapter meetings.

        The exclusive procedure by which an official, who has been suspended for any length of time and for any reason, may be reinstated as a PIAA-registered official is as follows:
A suspended official must send a new application for registration to the PIAA Office.
A fee of forty dollars ($40.00) must accompany the application.
The suspended official must take the examination in the sport in which reinstatement is requested and earn a grade of seventy percent (70%) or better on the examination.
The annual registration fee for the sport or sports in which reinstatement is requested must be paid.

      Each member of a chapter shall have one vote on all questions, and the vote of the majority shall prevail in all matters.
Provided a quorum is present for the purpose of conducting business, a majority shall be one vote more than one-half of the number of members present.
Pursuant to ARTICLE IX, Section 1, of the PIAA Constitution, officials in each district are entitled to two voting members on each District Committee. One member shall represent male officials in the District and the other member shall represent female officials in the District. The term of office for these positions (the “District Officials’ Representatives”) is for two years, with privilege of re-election. The odd-numbered districts (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11) elect their representatives in the odd-numbered years. The even-numbered districts (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12) will elect their representative in the even-numbered years. Nominations for District Officials' Representatives may come only from officials’ chapters located within the respective districts. An official may be nominated only in the district in which he/she resides. An official is not prohibited from being elected or serving as a District Officials’ Representative merely because that person also serves as an assignor. Nominations must be sent to the Executive Director no later than November 10. Ballots will then be transmitted electronically by the Executive Director or his/her designee to all officials registered in the district.Where there is only one (1) nominee for a District Officials' Representative in a district, an election will not be conducted, and the nominee will be deemed elected to the position.
Nominations from a chapter for the District Officials’ Representative shall be made at a regularly scheduled PIAA officials’ chapter meeting. A chapter is not required to submit a nomination. If there is more than one nominee proposed within a chapter, the chapter shall conduct a vote at the meeting, with the winner being the individual receiving the majority of ballots cast. If no majority is reached, no nominee shall be presented by the chapter.
Incumbent District Officials' Representatives are not required to obtain chapter nomination and may seek re-election by notifying the respective district chairman of their intention to be re-elected.
In the election of the District Male Officials’ Representatives, each PIAA registered male official (active, inactive and military) may cast one ballot online for a candidate for District Male Officials’ Representative in the district of the official. In the election of the District Female Officials’ Representatives, each PIAA registered female official (active, inactive and military) shall be privileged to cast one ballot online for a candidate for District Female Officials’ Representative in the district of the official. Multiple registrations by the official do not increase the right of franchise beyond the single vote. Executive staff will determine the method or system to tabulate voting. Voting will occur during the month of December and shall close at 11:59 pm on December 31. Votes shall be tabulated by the PIAA Office and reported to the PIAA Board of Directors, which shall certify the winner. The elected official shall take office the next succeeding July 1.
Although an official may officiate in multiple PIAA Districts, the district of an official, for purposes of election of District Officials’ Representatives, is the PIAA district in which he/she resides. Officials who do not reside in any PIAA District are not eligible to vote for a District Officials’ Representative.
The Chairman of the District Committee may appoint alternate District Officials’ Representatives, who shall assume the duties of a District Officials' Representative in the absence of a District Officials’ Representative. Upon the death, withdrawal, resignation or removal of a District Officials’ Representative, the District Committee may elect a replacement to fill the remainder of the term.
The District Officials’ Representatives may:
Represent the interests of officials in his/her District on the District Committee by attending meetings of the District Committee and voting on matters presented to the District Committee.
Provide advice to applicants seeking to become PIAA-registered officials.
Provide general advice and assistance to officials in the District who request it. The District Officials’ Representatives are not, merely by virtue of their position, authorized or empowered to represent any official in any proceeding before a District Committee or the Board of Directors or in any negotiations with any league or member school.
Forward to the PIAA Executive Director, or the Assistant Executive Director, any accusation that (1) a PIAA member school or official has violated the terms of a contract to officiate a Contest; and/or (2) an official has been discriminated against, in violation of applicable PIAA policies, by an assignor or evaluator. The District Officials’ Representatives have no authority to resolve any such disputes but may offer to mediate the dispute. If mediation is refused or is pursued but is not successful, the dispute shall then be resolved by the PIAA Assistant Executive Director.
Provide assistance to the PIAA Office in recognizing any official being recognized by PIAA for 30 years of service but who cannot, for health reasons, attend the annual PIAA banquet to be recognized.
Make recommendations to the Executive Director as to an application for the formation of a local officials’ chapter.
Recommend, to the District Chairman, officials to officiate District Championship tournaments. District Chairmen have sole authority to make said assignments and may request and consider recommendations of others.
Recommend, to the District Chairman, officials to officiate PIAA Inter-District Championship tournaments. District Chairmen have sole authority to make recommendations to PIAA’s executive staff and the District Chairmen may request and consider recommendations of others.
Utilize a system of evaluations for officials in their District.
Coordinate, either directly or through arrangements with the PIAA Districtappointed site manager, the evaluation of officials during District championship tournaments in conjunction with District Chairman or his/her designee.
Cooperate with the PIAA Assistant Executive Director in arranging for evaluations of officials during PIAA Inter-District Championship Contests held within the District.

       The chapter secretary, immediately following the annual election, (to be held at last scheduled meeting) shall forward to the PIAA Office via the End of Year Chapter Report, the names of all duly elected officers, the members of the Executive Committee and the rules interpreter for the ensuing year.
The chapter secretary, when specifically requested by the PIAA Office, shall be required to submit a report on any matter of chapter business, or the status of any of its members.
Each member, when requested by the PIAA Office, shall be required to submit a written report of his official conduct in any game in which he participated as a game official.
An official may report an alleged violation of the nondiscrimination policies of PIAA to the Officials’ Representative(s) of the PIAA District in which the official resides, or to the Assistant Executive Director of PIAA, in writing, describing the alleged violation in such detail as is available to the official.
The chapter, and any officers, agents, and employees thereof, who participate in the evaluation of officials or the assignment of officials to regular season games involving a PIAA member school or post-regular season PIAA contests, shall not refuse to assign an official based on the gender of the official or the gender of the participating student-athletes, shall not discriminate against any official on the basis of gender with respect to the level, quality, or number of assignments, and shall not otherwise discriminate against any official on the basis of gender.
If the chapter, or any officer, agent, or employee thereof, creates or maintains a system of evaluating officials for the purpose of influencing the assignment of officials to regular season games involving a PIAA member school or post-regular season PIAA contests, the evaluation system must be fair and equitable, must use gender-neutral evaluation criteria and procedures, and must include women among the persons performing the evaluations wherever it is practicable to do so. No person or entity listed in the immediately preceding sentence may participate in any such evaluation system if the person or entity knows that such system is not fair and equitable, does not use gender-neutral evaluation criteria, or does not include women among the persons performing the evaluation wherever it is practicable to do so.

        This Constitution may be amended at any time by majority vote at any meeting of the PIAA Board of Directors.

         The final interpretation of any article or section of this Constitution shall rest with the PIAA Executive Director, and the subsequent concurrence of the PIAA Board of Directors.

          The Chapter By-Laws are to be formulated and adopted by each individual chapter to guide local administration. They shall not however, supersede nor conflict with any provision of this Constitution.
YAIAA Track & Field Tri-Meet Guidance
1. Tri-meets in the YAIAA will either be run as triple-dual meets (A-B, A-C, & B-C) or double-dual
meets (A-B & A-C, assuming B vs. C has already been contested in the season). All meets will be
scored as if they are a dual meet, similar to cross country tri-meets.
2. It is recommended that each of the three schools have a dedicated meet scorer in the press box
to assist in tabulating the meets scores.
3. For individual sprint races (100m, 200m, 400m) and hurdle races (110/100m and 300m) it is
recommended that:
a. Only 6 lanes on the track will be utilized, even if it is an 8 lane track or an 8 lane
b. Six timers must be provided (one per lane), plus a head timer to assist with finish places
and pick up any missed starts (seven total timers). All individuals should be timed
c. Fastest heats run first, with two contestants from each school in each heat.
d. Consideration should me made to limit the races to four heats, which equates to 8
contestants per event per school.
4. For the distance races (800m, 1600m, and 3200m) it is recommended that:
a. Consideration be made that each school have no greater than 6 runners per race.
b. The 3200m race should be run as a separate boys and girls race, unless the number of
competitors is very small.
c. After finishing the race, the contestants need to line up in queue to have their
name/school/times recorded.
5. Relay races will be run as one heat for boys and one heat for girls, max two teams per school.
6. For field events it is recommended that:
a. Consideration be made to limit field contestants to five per event per school.
b. For throws, the 2X2 YAIAA Throwing Policy will be in effect for Varsity meets.
c. Schools should evaluate the need to extend the amount of time available for open pit
long jump and triple jump (i.e.-75 minutes vs. the typical 60 minute time period).
d. Often times, field events are not artificially illuminated properly. Schedule field events
to optimize daylight. Consider starting throwing events early (3:30 PM), and
overlapping the long throws, i.e.- boy’s javelin simultaneous with girl’s discus, if your
venue allows it.
7. Consideration should be given to staffing the meet with at least five PIAA certified officials to
assist in the conduct of the meet.
8. Tri-meet conditions covering the items above (i.e.-# of contestants per event, etc.) should be
conveyed to the visiting schools, Chuck Abbott (YAIAA Administrator), Rob Caruso (YAIAA Track
& Field Chairman), and Jon Seitz

As approved at the March 2024 Athletic Director's Meeting, Girls will run prior to Boys

 YAIAA Senior High Track and Field By-Laws for 2021-2022
1. Meets shall be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:45 unless changed by mutual agreement.
2. Those schools with no home track facility are responsible for making arrangements for use of a facility, officials, etc. Expenses for the track and field meet are the responsibility of the school listed as Home Team.
3. The host school will be responsible for providing a minimum of five (5) officials with eight (8) or more highly desirable.
4. Any league meet delayed because of inclement weather must be run the following day, or by mutual agreement of the schools involved.
5. The order of running events is standardized with boys first and girls second. However, the order for field events sometimes varies because of a difference in available facilities and the number of available officials. The host school must send meet conditions to the visiting school by the first PIAA play date. Those conditions will remain in effect for that entire school year and may not be altered.
                 Order of all events
                 Maximum length of spikes on track surface and javelin surface
                  Maximum number of participants in sprint events
                 Maximum number of participants in a distance event
                Maximum number of participants for hurdle events
                  Maximum number of participants for throwing events
                  Maximum number of participants for jumping
6. Determination of Lanes, Declaration of Competitors: To determine the lane assignments in a dual meet situation, the captains of the respective teams and chief official (or starter) shall meet and either draw or toss a coin to determine which team shall have the choice of lane 1 or 2 in the first running events. Lanes would then be alternated with each successive running event. In a coed meet this choice will include both boys’ and girls’ races for a particular distance.
                        Example: Team A and B toss coin; Team A wins and chooses lane 1 for the first event.
                        Result: Event #1 Boys’ 3200 Relay...lane 1...team A Girls’ 3200 Relay...lane 1...team A
                        Event #2 Boys’ 110 HH....lane 1....team B Girls’ 100 HH.....lane 1....team B
                        Lane alternating would then continue throughout the remainder of the meet. At the request of the starter, the team competing in lane #1 will be the first to commit all their athletes competing in that event to the track. If any deviation from this regulation is to take place, it must be done with the consent of all coaches concerned and the chief official.
7. Meets will be conducted using National Federation Rules and PIAA Modifications. All competitors who participate in the meet are eligible to score/place in the meet. There will be no exhibition entries. Each school is entitled to a minimum of 3 entries in each event. The maximum number of entries in a YAIAA meet is defined in Section 5.
8. After all athletes in the throwing events have completed their first two throws the coach will designate the 3 athletes from his/her school who will be taking 2 additional throws and which athletes will pass on their final 2 attempts, per a Coach’s “Gentlemen/Ladies Agreement”. This will be known as the “2X2 Rule” and is to be incorporated into the meet conditions sent to opponents.
9. Heats will be run from fastest to slowest as per a Coach’s “Gentlemen/Ladies Agreement”.
10. An individual may enter four (4) events. Each school will be allowed a minimum of three (3) entrants in each event, except relays, which shall be limited to one (1) varsity team.
11. A champion shall be determined in each division by awarding two (2) points for a win, one (1) point for a tie, and zero (0) points for a loss. In case of a tie, co-champions will be declared. There shall be no declared YAIAA Champion.
  2. Track and Field Medals for the YAIAA Meet: 1st thru 8th places for each event.
  4. Track and Field Records will be kept for the Y.A.I.A.A. Meet only.
  6.   Starting Heights/Dual Meets, High Jump and Pole Vault:
    a. High Jump (Senior High Girls)
    The starting height should be (4’4”). The bar should be raised (2”) at a time to (5’). After that, the bar should be raised (1”) for each successive height.
    b. High Jump (Senior High Boys)
    The starting height should be (5’2”). The bar should be raised (2”) at a time to (5’10”). After that, the bar should be raised (1”) for each successive height.
    c. Pole Vault (Senior High Boys)
    The starting height should be (8’). The crossbar will be moved by increments of 6” to 10’. After that height, the bar should be raised (3”) for each successive height until completion of the event.
    d. Pole Vault (Senior High Girls)
    The starting height should be (6’). The crossbar will be moved by increments of 6” to 7’. After that height the bar should be raised (3”) for each successive height until completion of the event.
  8. The 3200 Meter Run for Boys and Girls: In an effort to expedite the meet it is recommended that the Boys’ and Girls’ 3200 Meter Run take place simultaneously. However, depending on the number of competitors and number of officials this practice is flexible and may be with, or without, a separate start whichever is appropriate or expedient at the time. With mutual agreement of the opposing coaches and officials, this may also take place with the Girls and Boys’ 3200 Meter Relay.
  10. There must be a minimum of one PIAA registered official working at each dual meet. Two officials are highly recommended. (No student may be utilized in any decision-making capacity.
            YAIAA Senior High Track and Field 2021-2022
Order of Events
Boys Field EventsGirls
Running Events
4:00 Boys’ 3200 Relay
Girls’ 3200 Relay
4:20 Boys’ 110 Hurdles
Hurdle Crew Reset for Girls
4:30 Girls’ 100 High Hurdles Hurdle Crews Remove Hurdles
4:35 Boys’ 100 Dash
4:40 Girls’ 100 Dash
4:45 Boys’ 1600 Run
4:55 Girls’ 1600 Run
5:05 Boys’ 400 Relay
5:10 Girls’ 400 Relay
5:15 Boys’ 400 Dash
5:20 Girls’ 400 Dash
Hurdle Crews set 300 Intermediate Hurdles
5:25 Boys’ 300 Intermediate Hurdles
Hurdle Crews Reset for Girls
5:35 Girls’ 300 Intermediate Hurdles
Hurdle Crews Remove Hurdles
5:40 Boys’ 800 Run
5:45 Girls’ 800 Run
5:50 Boys’ 200 Dash
5:55 Girls’ 200 Dash
6:00 Boys’/Girls’ 3200 Run 6:20 Boys’ 1600 Relay 6:25 Girls’ 1600 Relay
Shot Put
Pole Vault
Triple Jump
Followed By:
High Jump
Followed By:
Long Jump
                        Starting Heights
                        Pole Vault: (Boys/Girls)
                       8’ by 6” to 10’/ by 3” to conclusion
                        6’ by 6” to 7’/ by 3” to conclusion
                        High Jump: (Boys’)
                        5’2 x 2” to 5’10”
                         5’10 x 1” to conclusion
                        High Jump: (Girls’)
                        4’4” x 2” to 5’
                         5’ x 1” to conclusion
                        Other Field Events:
                        Four (4) Final Throws or Jumps; No Trials
                          Javelin, Pole Vault
                        Discuss High Jump
                        Shot Put Triple Jump
                        Long Jump
*PLEASE NOTE: an optional “Open Pit” concept may be used for both the long jump and triple jump. Under this format, these events are conducted with a beginning time and ending time for each event. During this time frame, the athletes involved are responsible to complete their four trials. This method eliminates the need to call names in order and for athletes to check in and out of these events to run in track events. Any school wishing to operate their meets in this fashion should notify opposing schools at least one week prior to the date of their contest. This provision is in keeping with #5 under the “By-Laws” section.

As approved at the March 2024 Athletic Director's Meeting, Girls will run prior to Boys

  Y.A.I.A.A. Junior High Track and Field By-Laws for 2021-2022
                        *Date Proposed: 6/10/2019 *Date Approved: 9/27/2019
1. Meets shall be held on Thursdays at 3:45 pm, unless changed by mutual agreement.
2. Competition shall be by classes: Class “A” for Boys and Girls and Class “B” for Boys and Girls. All participants are eligible to score.
3. The maximum number of events that any one student can participate, in any given meet, is four (4).
4. Class “A” competitors are permitted four (4) throws in the discus and shot put & 4 long/high jumps (The host school must send meet conditions to the visiting school by the first PIAA play date. Those conditions will remain in effect for that entire school year and may not be altered.). Class “B” competitors are permitted two (2) throws/jump in discus, long/high jump and shot put. (The host school must send meet conditions to the visiting school by the first PIAA play date. Those conditions will remain in effect for that entire school year and may not be altered.).
5. Starting heights for the High Jump: Boys 4’6”, Girls 4’0”. The height will increase 2” at a time for 6”, and from there on 1” at a time until the conclusion of the event. (The host school must send meet conditions to the visiting school by the first PIAA play date. Those conditions will remain in effect for that entire school year and may not be altered.).
6. On the call sheet the athletes participating in field events should be called by gender rather than by class. The official will designate the class on the score sheet for field events only.
7. The meet should follow the current By-Laws with regard to the order of Field Events unless there is a facility problem.
8. For all sprint events, participating schools may enter a number defined by the host school. (The host school must send meet conditions to the visiting school by the first PIAA play date. Those conditions will remain in effect for that entire school year and may not be altered.).
9. The 1600 m and 800 m runs should be contested as follows: (The host school must send meet conditions to the visiting school by the first PIAA play date. Those conditions will remain in effect for that entire school year and may not be altered.).
10. It is recommended that an “Open Pit” format be implemented for the Long Jump.
11. Determination of Lanes, Declaration of Competitors: To determine the lane assignments in a dual meet situation the captains of the respective teams and the chief official (or starter) shall meet and either toss a coin or draw to determine which team shall have the choice of lane 1 or 2 in the first running event. Lanes would then be alternated with each successive running event. In Junior High an event would be the competition of both classes, in a particular distance. An example is given in the high school section.
12. Throwing Weight Specifications: The Junior High Discus will be 1 kilogram in weight and conform in size specifications listed in the NFHS Track and Field Rule Book. The Junior High Shot shall be 4.0 Kilograms for boys and 6 lbs. for girls and conform in size specifications to those listed in the NFHS Track and Field Rule Book. No substitutions permitted.
13. The Junior High Hurdles for both boys and girls shall be specified... 100 Meters for girls @ 30” and 110 Meters for boys @ 33” aligned with the girls and boys hurdle marks for the high school competition.
3:45 110 Meter 33” Hurdles-boys 100 Meter 30” Hurdles-girls
                        100 Meter Dash-boys 100 Meter Dash-girls
                        1600 Meter Run-boys 1600 Meter Run-girls
                       400 Meter Relay-boys 400 Meter Relay-girls
                        400 Meter Dash-boys 400 Meter Dash-girls
                        800 Meter Run-boys 800 Meter Run-girls
                       200 Meter Dash-boys 200 Meter Dash-
                       girls 1600 Meter Relay-boys 1600 Meter Relay-girls
                                                                ORDER OF EVENTS
Shot Put—Boys (A&B)
High Jump—Boys
Long Jump—Girls (A&B)
Discus—Girls (A&B) High Jump—Girls
Long Jump—Boys (A&B)
Discus—Boys (A&B)
Shot Put—Girls (A&B)

YAIAA Track & Field Tri-Meet Guidance

1. Tri-meets in the YAIAA will either be run as triple-dual meets (A-B, A-C, & B-C) or double-dual
meets (A-B & A-C, assuming B vs. C has already been contested in the season). All meets will be
scored as if they are a dual meet, similar to cross country tri-meets.
2. It is recommended that each of the three schools have a dedicated meet scorer in the press box
to assist in tabulating the meets scores.
3. For individual sprint races (100m, 200m, 400m) and hurdle races (110/100m and 300m) it is
recommended that:
a. Only 6 lanes on the track will be utilized, even if it is an 8 lane track or an 8 lane
b. Six timers must be provided (one per lane), plus a head timer to assist with finish places
and pick up any missed starts (seven total timers). All individuals should be timed
c. Fastest heats run first, with two contestants from each school in each heat.
d. Consideration should me made to limit the races to four heats, which equates to 8
contestants per event per school.
4. For the distance races (800m, 1600m, and 3200m) it is recommended that:
a. Consideration be made that each school have no greater than 6 runners per race.
b. The 3200m race should be run as a separate boys and girls race, unless the number of
competitors is very small.
c. After finishing distance races, the contestants need to line up in queue to have their
name/school/times recorded.
5. Relay races will be run as one heat for boys and one heat for girls, max two teams per school.
6. For field events it is recommended that:
a. Consideration be made to limit field contestants to five per event per school.
b. For throws, the 2X2 YAIAA Throwing Policy will be in effect for Varsity meets.
c. Schools should evaluate the need to extend the amount of time available for open pit
long jump and triple jump (i.e.-75 minutes vs. the typical 60 minute time period).
d. Often times, field events are not artificially illuminated properly. Schedule field events
to optimize daylight. Consider starting throwing events early (3:30 PM), and
overlapping the long throws, i.e.- boy’s javelin simultaneous with girl’s discus, if your
venue allows it.
7. Consideration should be given to staffing the meet with at least five PIAA certified officials to
assist in the conduct of the meet.
8. Tri-meet conditions covering the items above (i.e.-# of contestants per event, etc.) should be
conveyed to the visiting schools, Chuck Abbott (YAIAA Administrator), Rob Caruso (YAIAA Track
& Field Chairman), and Jon Seitz (YAIAA Track & Field Rules Interpreter) at least one week prior
to the rescheduled tri-meet.

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